Thursday, August 30, 2012

Marimba at Farmers' Market September 9th, 2012

Last night I rehearsed with my African-style marimba band, YAAMBA. We will be playing at Mercer Island Farmers' Market on Sunday, September 9th, from noon until I think about four o'clock. The music is energetic, and it's fun to watch us play, and we play even better when people DANCE. So I'd be thrilled if you'd bring your little dancers by for a spell!

A Wonderful New Year! with Recorders!

I'm so happy to see everyone again, and to meet new students! I spent most of the summer planning a wonderful new year for my kindergarten through fourth grade music classes and for all my recorder players!

If your child is in third grade or older, s/he will have a chance to order a recorder very soon. It's possible to participate in the recorder program (which happens during the school day) and play in the spring concert without buying a recorder; but I have never seen it happen. The students really need a Baroque-fingered soprano in order to practice at home, so they can hear themselves play. It's not a big commitment of practice time; once they learn the basics, practicing fifteen minutes a week will probably put them among the best players.

For more information, look to the right, below the "Blog Archive" box, and choose the "Recorder Program" page.