Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What's Up in Music Class?

Kindergartners are enjoying a reel from Appalachia and a Telugu song about the moon, which they'll perform after their Parade of Cultures the morning of April 27th.

First-graders continue to develop their skills reading and writing quarter notes and rests, paired eighth notes, and pitches G and E.

Second-graders are singing their hearts out preparing for their Earth Day show!

Third-graders have been working with rhythms. They recently have added syncopation (eighth-quarter-eighth) and beamed sixteenth notes to their repertoire. They also are beginning to study the canon, the definition of which is:
Two or more groups
Do the same thing, but
At different times.

Fourth-graders have been relating elements in visual art to elements in aural art (music). Soon they will create their own music depicting a painting they have chosen.