Monday, January 4, 2010

Lessons Day, and more African Marimba

The end of January is also the end of the first half of our school year, when I'll be saying goodbye to the fourth-graders and hello to the fifth-graders. In the second half of January, each class will have a "lessons day", on which day those children who take lessons on an instrument (or dance) have an opportunity to show their classmates the result of their hard work. This performance is just for classmates, not parents. First and Fourth grades: January 21. Kindergarten, Second grade, and Third grade: January 27. If your child would like to perform, she or he needs to rehearse announcing the piece, playing it, and bowing afterwards. You could help by being an audience during the rehearsal(s).

YAAMBA, the Zimbabwean-style marimba group I'm in, is having an album release party in Seattle on January 30th. If you're interested, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.