Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming up in Music Class

Kindergartners through fourth-graders have been practicing patriotic songs, plus a few others, which we will gather and sing together just before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Just after that holiday, one of my own music teachers will be visting me; he will come to school with me on Tuesday, November 29th.  On that day I have fourth-grade recorder class, fifth-grade recorder class, and Extreme Recorders after school; so I'm hoping he will do some work with the recorders.  It's always good to get the perspective of a different musician!

And here's one much farther in the future: on Tuesday morning, March 20th, young opera performers from Northwest Opera In Schools Etc. (NOISE) will come to OWS and perform for us a shortened version of Engelbert Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel.  I've already introduced the opera to all my students and will continue to familiarize them with the arias.